Want to be a Preserving The Pitch / The-Lost-art DJ or Artist?

Please let us know if you have what it takes to Preserve The Pitch and join the ranks of changing the world one beat at a time. You can Email us @ preservingthepitch@gmail.com / Damian Doyle https://www.facebook.com/damiand.TLA / Nate: https://www.facebook.com/natural.nate1
Please take some time to look over the Schedule. Please click the week tab to look at time slots In Eastern time. http://www.preservingthepitch.com/schedule/
We are extremely excite to speak with you and are looking forward to the future with you. thank you so much for the support and we will see you on http://www.preservingthepitch.com / https://www.the-lost-art.com
Live Page: http://www.preservingthepitch.com/Live/
Mobile Phone Apps: Iphones : https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/123flashchat/id517139646?ls=1&mt=8
Android Chat App: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=air.com.topcmm.A123flashchatPreserving The Pitch / The-Lost-Art.com business FB page: http://www.facebook.com/TheLostArtTV?fref=tsPreserving The Pitch / The-Lost-Art.com music page: Preserving The Pitch: http://www.facebook.com/thelostartcomtvradio?fref=tsPreserving The Pitch Twitter: https://Twitter.Com/#!/TheLostArtcom Here Is An AWESOME Group To Share ANYTHING You Want. All genre / No Hassles. Preserving the pitch public FB page:
http://Www.Facebook.Com/Groups/219890431446743/Preserving The Pitch / The-Lost-Art’s 4 On THE Floor House & Tech: http://www.facebook.com/groups/275586682477503/?fref=ts
https://twitter.com/#!/TheLostArtcomOctober 2010 a new company called http://www.preservingthepitch.com /https://www.the-lost-art.com EMERGED!
email: preservingthepitch@gmail.com / thelostart.com@gmail.com
We are very proud to say we are a 100% certified company on the web. We value our DJ’s / Producers and Listeners enough to ensure we have gone the full distance. *{Free} There are free anti virus programs out there that give off false/positive PHP readings.* We have hit our year mark with a vengeance this Oct. TlA has insured that we give nothing but the best to everyone involved. It has been a great year for learning and meeting awesome people from around the globe that are reaching for a better way to promote the DJ’s and music that we all love. We as TLA will never stop with new ideas. We are always looking forward to the future by staying ahead with Web design and Marketing for all of the people that believe in this company. We are the first company to offer REAL LIVE DJ’S that believe in the craft of preserving the pitch through live video. We do have a lot of special Live events on the station for this year to come.

http://www.preservingthepitch.com / https://www.the-lost-art.com cannot thank you enough for the interest in our humble station. This community is made up of all walks of life and genres. Respect and honesty is a necessity. In order to function properly on this station we require everyone to be supportive at all times. We have music from every genre and it’s the team not the individuals that make us special here. We never put a fence up because of someone else’s beliefs in craftsmanship nor taste in beats. We are here to be encouraging and supportive to all inside and outside of TLA. We are a friendly place that needs friendly people that want to learn and also teach. We do not ask for a “mix”. We want to see you play. We want a video. As a station TLA are only looking for what we call ” Preserving the pitch DJ’s ” meaning you are using the pitch to create the mix with Turntables, CD players or even tape decks if that’s is your choice.http://www.preservingthepitch.com / https://www.the-lost-art.com does not look for the perfect DJ but the DJ that is not afraid to exhibit some showmanship. This is better to us than a perfect mix made by a perfect program. We want to know your skill level. Please be honest with us in what TLA can do for you and what you can do for us! There is a standard that we must meet for our listeners and sponsors. We have offers daily to fill a slot and become a TLA DJ but it might not be for everyone.Here are some simple steps you can take to ensure you are starting on the right path and ready for the challenge. You need to be registered to The-Lost-Art.com’s site for the use of our Forum! This is Located on the front page of TLA under LOG IN! Create a Profile in which we can get a hold of you through there! This will be a place for all DJ updates and community for postings! http://www.preservingthepitch.com / https://www.the-lost-art.com1. You need a HD camera suitable for the stations standards. Here is an example of what you need.

2. You will need an External Soundcard. There really is no other options to making this work without this device. This is not a soundcard built into your computer. Example.
Fast Track Pro – 4 x 4 Mobile USB Audio/MIDI Interface . With preamps.
Focusrite Saffire 6USB Audio ———->
NOTE* If you know of a better way to stream this other than a soundcard. More power to you. We are not here to set your equipment up to make it function. For more advanced options of streaming sound.* L/R phono- 3.5mm jack cable from computer or amp. We will be able to see your set up with the Video demo. We need to ensure this works properly no matter what system you use.
3. You will need stable internet. Bandwidth becomes an important part of being able to hold a show with TLA. THIS HAS TO BE A HARDLINE! Wireless is a hit or miss with the bandwidth needed our stream.
4. We do not want your perfect mixes. We would rather see if you can mix. You need to open a http://www.ustream.tv/ or another free service that does video to show us your equipment runs. This will also be a demo on your mixing abilities as well. This will be one of the most important parts to you moving along to becoming a TLA DJ.
5. We need a Complete Bio, 3-5 pics, Links to Soundcloud { If you have one } Reverbnation { If you have one }. We will need your facebook link as well as your email address. Phone number is a must!
6. We need to know how you came to know TLA. If you have already been speaking with an admin? Please let let us know who it was. If you do not know any of the admins? Here is a simple list of contacts you may refer to with further questions.
This is a 2 hour slot we are looking for weekly. This is not negotiable.
Nate: https://www.facebook.com/natural.nate1 / Breaks Director / Part owner / Sales and Marketing
Damian: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1251454232 / Director of International Talent / Advisor / Sales and Marketing.
Trippy Hippy Ian: https://www.facebook.com/hippy.addison UK Coordinator / Advisor / Media
7. Once we have you established with the right admins, the process will become more clear if you are right for the job. This list of admins is to help you accomplish this goal faster. Our admins and team do back round checks to see if your are the talent you say you are on ALL incoming DJ’s / Producers. We are only looking for the best that fits this station not only inside but outside of TLA. We are looking for people willing to put in the extra time to promote not only themselves, but the others that promote you. TLA is a BIG family with open arms to the right people.
8. Get to know the station and its surroundings.
FB friend Page: https://www.facebook.com/TheLostArtcom?ref=ts
TLA Business page {Main} https://www.facebook.com/TheLostArtTV?ref=ts
TLA music Page: https://www.facebook.com/thelostartcomtvradio?ref=ts
Latest tracks by The-Lost-Art.com
Soundcloud GROUP PAGE for the public to share Mixes and Tracks.
Producers and affiliated artists of http://www.preservingthepitch.com /https://www.the-lost-art.com
Reverbnation : http://www.reverbnation.com/th…..lostartcom
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/TheLostArtcom
Emails: preservingthepitch@gmail.com / thelostart.com@gmail.com
9. Now that you have a grasp on where to start, you can again submit us a Video Demo to the Forum and begin reading the topics there. We look forward to reviewing you for a position as a TLA DJ. Next, all DJ’s will sign a contract of understanding the system and what is expected of you as a TLA DJ. { DISCLOSURE LOCATED AT THE BOTTOM }This insures to everyone you have the knowledge of the system before you start. TLA has the best system in the world and we need to ensure that you understand our standards and rules before you start this awesome journey with our team. We are not just looking for a DJ. We are looking for leaders that understand proper promotions. We need people that understand our listeners deserve the best and will get this type of treatment at all costs. We are here for the people and the producers that make this wonderful music to give you the privilege to be a DJ. This is a big unity of respect and honesty on all levels. The world needs a better place and that’s what TlA is. We are here at all times for the public and their needs for raw talent and music. If you think you have what it takes? We need you!
10. There is a schedule that syncs to your time zone located above the chat room in the Live Stream. Please look carefully at this before making a choice of being a TLA DJ. We are not here to find you a slot. As a TLA DJ, you can take open slots and Fills for any extra time you want to put into it aside of your own show (of course you will be responsible for communicating with DJ’s and staff communication is the of the highest priority). We encourage special events and we do insist on Live P.A. shows that can help your ratings.
Highlight and get to know your favorite artists. You are your own Boss with TLA. We are only a hub and you are the only one limiting the potential creativity and success of your show. You bring us what you have and we in return bring you to a bigger platform for better promotions for the artist and TLA. Get the public involved with your potential show. We are not responsible to bring your crowd. Your success lies in your efforts to keep this growing station alive through your show. We are a team. We are here to teach each other the tricks of the trade and make this an easier process for recognition. Do you have what it takes?
http://www.preservingthepitch.com© / https://www.the-lost-art.com™ can use ALL talents to the station. You do not have to be a DJ / Producer to be apart of this growing team. We are always looking for blog writers, computer techs, web techs, programmers, people to run pages to even outside involvement looking in as a spectator. We want to have someone to cover every aspect and angle of this industry. We value people and life and hope you come and join the team. You may post up in the forum as a DJ would or use any one of the other ways of dipping into the social stream with TLA.
Mission Statement.
In October 2010 a New Company Called
http://www.preservingthepitch.com© / https://www.the-lost-art.com™ had emerged. In spite of all the Internet Radio stations out there. This company Demanded that it could do a better job to Promote Music in a Respectful and more honest way. The Lost Art had already had over 7 years Radio Experience and over 20 years of Mixing. With the Help of Many other Music lovers, we ban together to make a better world for all involved in the lost art of Mixing! This is the FIRST Real Live VIDEO/TV Station that solely Drives the purpose of Keeping the Mixing Industry Clean. With all the New Technology in mixing devices… Its lost the Real vibe and Heart of why we call people DJ’s! The preservation of a True DJ that puts in the Time to learn this tedious craft is what we represent! To be able to take a Live video Station and provide a better way for sales on the Artist, Equipment to even clothing that our DJ’s use will be on the forefront of the Future. The other Common Mistake that is found in the Radio Industry is Bias Genre Based stations that only allow certain music to be played. We have found this to be the biggest mistake due to the Fact numbers are in ALL Genres make up a bigger piece of advertising.
With the New Technology In video Comes super potential for Major marketing and Advertising! To grow this company In this fashion will Change the way everyone looks at Internet Radio / TV. The most common goal for the Lost Art is Unity, Respect for ones craft, honesty in all we do and proper promotions. To watch others Accomplish the Same goals in one place is Priceless. We will do anything and everything we can to insure this mission never strays away from the common goals.
*Basic Code of conduct.*
1. Have Fun.
2.Respect one and anthers Craft and Genres
3. No fighting in the public chat PERIOD! Looks bad on all of us. If you see this activity going on, please pull aside the persons to defeat the situation and if needed report them to TLA.
4. Wait for the next show. Communication is key between shows. Any gaps cause listeners to leave. It is mandatory for all DJ’s to fill a 2 hours slot unless its been ran through the board for other changes in the slot.
5. Consistency is the key to success. You have to stay in their face weekly to get your name out there! Missing shows only hurts your name and the DJ’s coming on next! This is not what we want for our listeners. Please if you are going to miss a show, let someone know so we can try and fill the dead space.
6. Just because you do your show does not mean that you can not support the other dJ’s on this station! Its never fun to support others and get nothing in return. This does not show a strong community of DJ’s and friends! If there is a chance you are at home or even not. Please try and show some support to both the Lost Art and the Other dJ’s.
7. Poke your head into others show. This will help promote your show on your days and also show a strong brotherhood amongst the DJ’s. Its always nice to have numbers!
8. The FB Fan page has been opened for all DJ to be an Admin. This will only increase your chances of live listeners by using this. Everyone has the same status. This will also help update the FaceBook box in the Lost Art Chat Room. If you have special shows… PROMOTE THEM! We can not be there all the time to support every DJ. This will ensure that we all are promoted equally!
9. Any DJ affiliated with the Lost Art has an obligation of promoting the logo or name on out going shows! We need the exposure and you need the back! Lets work as a team on getting the word out on the Lost Art by live dJ set out on parties and shows!
10. If you have a live show that you would like promoted out on the Lost Art, let someone know so we can promote the second video being opened as a live show! We do not want to ask any scheduled DJ’s not to spin on their time slots!
11. If there is an open slot on the schedule you are more than willing to fill the spot! Any DJ is better than no DJ! We thank you for your enthusiasm to want to keep the music live!
12. We are always on the hunt for new talent and DJ’s. Anyone that is brought to the Lost Art by one of our DJ’s will have top priority of filling them a slot!
13. We are always looking for new sponsors. If this is brought to The Lost Art by one of the dJ’s. There will be a monthly compensation for this feat! This is true!
14. Be kind to one and another. We are a family. If one goes down we all go down. We want to know if there is a problem at home… We want to know if you’re not in a good mind set! We are here to help. We are only human and need someone at times. There are many ways to turn to the Lost Art for help!
15. We want your ideas. This is a company of opportunity! We all love music and would love to peruse a career out of this. Well… Lets do it then. The more we can help your ideas of sales to sponsorships, the more we all make out of this.
16. Promote your videos! This is one of the best promotional tools in the world! Let people see what you do!
17. Producers of The Lost Art – get in touch with someone about The Lost Art Label and releases!
18. If you feel like The Lost Art at any point in time is not doing what we say we will, let us know. We do not need anyone with balled up energy. There are many ways to further self and motivations in a positive way with in the community. WE CAN AND WILL WORK ANY DISPUTES OUT!
19.There is not one person here more important than the other! It all has to come from each individual to make this mighty machine work. One show { one Screw } That is missing can make the whole thing collapse! You are more valued as a dJ or person to the Lost Art than you will ever know. Everyone has been hand selected for this mission and we could NEVER do it without you!
20. Always be positive inside The Lost Art and out! People really do look up to you! We have a very strong rep for being a true and honest team! We hope The Lost Art brings out the best in everything you do! We have surrounded ourselves with the best from around the World to help push this to the next level! This will be a life changing experience for everyone involved. The world has been waiting for this moment! Its time to give it to them.
21.To help any DJ at any skill level with knowledge of the Trade. Our weak links our our strong links.
22. To help provide Music to any unfortunate DJ for The Lost Art! Everyone needs some help sometimes!
23. To never turn our heads to Lower end producers! Always find a solution to help promote these guys! One day these producers can be SUPER STARS!
24. Our Paying Sponsors is what Makes the station work!
25. If a Message is sent out by The Lost Art! it is Mandatory for our DJ’s to respond Back to insure you understand what is being presented.
Code of Conduct for the Chat Room
TLA operates with a belief of the following “ Kill them with Kindness” However, to ensure the best possible experience for all chat room participants and to avoid legal liability, chat room participants are asked to observe some basic guidelines for participation. By logging into a TLA chat room, you agree that you have read and will follow the rules and guidelines set for these peer discussion groups. As with other areas of TLA, respectful behavior is expected in the chat room.
1. Treat everyone on the chat courteously and with a modicum of respect. It’s just that simple. In this small online community that makes up those of us who enjoy all forms of intelligent dance music, it’s inevitable that someone you dislike will be involved with this chat or that you will come into dispute with someone on the chat. We are highly individualistic people with very strong opinions. Flaming, harassing, name-calling or any other such behavior towards another person will not be tolerated. TLA is a place for everyone and no one should feel unwelcome due to disrespect.
2. We encourage everyone to discuss and debate any number of topics on any of TLA’s public forums. The sole caveat is that it must remain a civil discussion. In any and all cases, speak to the topic or issue, not to the person. Personal attacks are never warranted. If you are attacked, harassed or if you witness something that you feel goes against this Code of Conduct, the correct response is a polite and firm, and preferably public, request for them to stop. If the situation continues, then please follow the procedure for reporting chat room violations.
3. Often arguments can’t be won, so if you have a contrasting opinion, please state it simply and clearly. If necessary, agree to disagree with others who may have differing opinions, when discussions turn to long, hostile arguments, the thread will be locked or deleted or a message will be sent asking to place the person on ignore in order to defuse the situation. Sometimes people can write something that you may find offensive, but before launching into a public condemnation, please consider that the person may not have intended to cause offense. It is very easy to misinterpret a post or chat on any forum. There is absolutely no need to resort to insults. Respect others views even if you disagree with them.
4. Please do not use any of TLA public forums for personal disputes, heated debates, flame wars, etc. You are expected to treat each other with respect in the forum or chat and take any personal disputes to a private mode of discussion out of public view. If you find that your discussion is becoming too heated or someone’s becoming far too passionate about their argument, contact any administrator to defuse your issue. If any party is having a problem keeping their temper under control, refrain from posting a reply until you get under control. The administrator will advise of a different time to finishing defusing your issue. If an administrator is not available, please take a screen shot of what took place and stop, send your screen shot to any administrator for review.
In order to preserve a climate that encourages both civil and fruitful dialogue in a lawful manner, TLA reserves the right to suspend or terminate chat room participation for members who violate these rules. These chat rooms are provided as a service of TLA for its members. TLA is not responsible for the opinions and information posted by chat room participants. TLA disclaims all warranties with regard to information posted on this site, whether posted by TLA or any third party. This disclaimer includes all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness. In no event shall TLA be liable for any special, indirect, or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data, or profits arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of any information posted on this site. You are responsible for any consequences resulting from your postings, whether intended or unintended.