Poison Panda Presents: TOADFEST 4 Live out of Detroit! www.preservingthepitch.com™
https://www.the-lost-art.com ™/ http://www.preservingthepitch.com ™ is proud to present and host Poison Panda Presents: TOADFEST 4, Saturday, August 29 at 9:00pm – 5:00am in EDT. This is LIVE, straight out of Detroit, and has one of the most amazing line ups that could be brought together. Big shouts to one of PTP / TLA’s very own MR. PANDA for his efforts in bringing these events out of state and into your homes. Big, Big shout out to Poison Panda Production’s for not only this incredible line up, but for the efforts to bringing real talent and art back to the scene. We cannot thank everyone enough for this special presentation and show. DO NOT MISS THIS EVENT IF YOU ARE IN DETROIT! IT IS A MUST TO ATTEND! The show location is: The Works Nightclub Detroit 1846 Michigan Ave, Detroit, MI, Detroit, Michigan. Please bring a friend and give this a share! For those out of State and over Sea’s, there might be a special Broadcast to http://www.preservingthepitch.com/main-event/. Be sure to keep an eye out of the events page and fan pages for updates. https://www.facebook.com/events/765277386925763/
Please take some time to look at all of the artists that will be playing at this show. Please be sure to visit every Soundcloud / Mixcloud pages and links to these hard working DJ’s / Producers. They more then deserve a comment, like, share and a Listen. Please tell them That https://www.the-lost-art.com ™/ http://www.preservingthepitch.com ™.
We’re about to have FOUR goddamn Toadfests already?! Wow! So let’s do this right! In addition to the Panda family we are stacking this lineup with the best of Detroit and the best of friends.
As per tradition, this one is going to be bigger and greater than the last.
We, Poison Panda Productions, formally invite you to our anniversary event, a celebration of our humble beginnings (and humble present), but more importantly, a celebration of Detroit talent.
As always, we present to you the finest in Detroit’s electronic sounds, illuminated by our ever-evolving light spectacle BY GO-RAVE and signature decor, with an array of local vendors, all presented to you at an affordable price. $5 Before 10 p.m. and then $10 all night!
Two indoor rooms and a patio for your aural pleasure.

– Donald Whan
Mike The Metronome
DJ Roach (Raul Rocha)
James Blang
Michael Aaron

http://soundcloud.com/ michael_aaron
JD Raveman
– Vibe Guru
Deeper Cut