There can be only ONE!!! (or can there be TWO??)

Avatar Dave Viral | March 26, 2014 53 Views 0 Likes 0 Ratings

The Lost Art Preserving The Pitch

Does anyone remember THIS??  The Lost Art — provides a neutral environment where ALL dj’s and producers can be respected for their craft. is an interactive, live video stream and safe platform for electronic music enthusiasts around the world. Come see the best of free online dj shows. This is internet radio at its finest.

In the recent past, we have had a few problems from the inside of what was/is The Lost Art!!  It’s no secret..  people have been talking..   it’s all in the public eye..  there’s no hiding it!!!  Find a family or a place of employment.. make them all musicians and dj’s.. and see what happens!!  Trouble..  problems.. controversy..  it will ALL be there!!!   If they haven’t reached that point yet, they haven’t been together long enough.  It WILL happen.  But you will also find Survival..  Resilience..  and above all, LOVE for what we have created and who we are.   The Lost Art hasn’t went anywhere..  The Lost Art ( IS Preserving The Pitch!!!  (   The true family is still together and going strong!!

It saddens us to see what we’ve lost at times, but we are also amazingly proud of all the people who have struggled through our transitions, drama, fights, and just outright “hostile takeovers”!!  We  move on being who we all were in the beginning..  DJ’s and Producers that want to show you what they do, what they believe in, and make your lives enjoyable!!

Whether you are in Tampa or New York or hidden in the mountains of Alaska, we are proud that you have an outlet to hear music and see DJ’s at their finest, no matter where you are.   THAT is our dream..  and we are living it!!!  It’s been almost 3 years now, and we have all seen that dream come true, and we have talked to you and heard what we’ve done for you.  It’s an honor for us friends!!!  Always has been and always will be!!  When the creators and techs and DJ’s all get together and talk and we realize what we’ve done..  it’s completely amazing!!  We have touched many lives, and in turn, our OWN lives are touched!!  We have become better people than we ever thought possible by helping our fellow music lovers!!  Very humbling!!  Thank you for your part of it all, regardless of who you are and where you are from.

TLA became a NOUN over the past 3 years..   it means FAMILY!!!  We are who we are regardless of which site you visit!! Once again…  The Lost Art ( IS Preserving The Pitch!!!  (

We would encourage you to ignore fake sites that are trying to feed off of the brand and ideals we created..  anything “mixtube”, “ustream”, or anything else claiming to be a part of The Lost Art in the past!!   We are HERE..   there is no other!!!  There can be only ONE!!  Thank you for being with us!!  Let’s BOOM!!!

The LIVE stage is always booming, and if you catch us at a time where you don’t like the style that’s being played..  there are always the ARCHIVES page and you can catch up on what you might have missed before!!

Once again..  Thank you for being who you are.. and allowing us to be who WE are!!!

The Lost Art – Preserving The Pitch

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