www.the-lost-art.com is proud to work with IROCKE streaming concerts!

Avatar adm.preservingthepitch@gmail.com | January 16, 2013 108 Views 0 Likes 0 Ratings

Hello to The Lost Art massive and fellow live music streaming fans! This post is to introduce IROCKE to you all. IROCKE is “The Source for Live Streaming Music Events Worldwide”. It is a TV Guide of sorts for live music of all genres happening across the globe. TLA is proud to be included in IROCKE’s listings. They will feature several DJ shows each month from TLA schedule in addition to any live venue events that are broadcast. This month DJ Ruff, Starr Junkie, Tony G, and David X are on the schedule. IROCKE includes amateurs and professionals alike, and you may be surprised to see how much is going on. Festival season is on the way, and your names will be among the most famous in the world! Please have a look at the links below to get an idea of what IROCKE is doing.

http://www.IROCKE.com You can register for an account using FB, twitter, or email. Feel free to click around and see what the site is like. You can rsvp certain shows, add favorite artists to be notified when they play, and more. Use filters at the top of the page to help find events you are interested in. New features will be rolling out as the year goes on.

http://www.facebook.com/IROCKEMUSIC  Like their page to get IROCK stories in your FB news feed. Your support here is much appreciated. @IROCKE on Twitter

http://blog.irocke.com/bestof2012 The IROCKE blog is updated regularly with news, reviews, and streaming event info. This post shows the 1st ever “Best of streaming rankings” for 2012. If The Lost Art keeps its course, it could very well be included in the Best of 2013 Source listings! IROCKE also plans to do a Q&A with one of the founders  in the not too distant future to highlight TLA.

IROCKE is new, but we are excited to support those who support us and look forward to seeing what they have in store for 2013!

www.the-lost-art.com, TLA, The-Lost-Art,

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