Make a special Donation for these Children in need of a Christmas! Lets bring this family back on their feet!

Avatar Natural Nate | December 20, 2014 90 Views 0 Likes 0 Ratings and reaches out to the Music Community and more to ensure a Special Christmas for a well deserving family in much need. This is one of the most heart breaking stories that we have came across. They say roll with the punches but if they do not stop, its hard to keep going. This family is on its last leg from medical bills and more. We cannot think of a more deserving family then this to give full support on this special Holiday season. Christmas is for the Kids. Its is for the innocent smiles and the love for Santa to make all of their wishes come true. It absolutely breaks our hearts to think of so many that will not have this chance to be blessed by the giving season due to circumstance out of their  control or understanding. We will ensure that we as TLA and PTP, give this deserving family the Magic that Christmas can give, along with all of your help. Make this a Holiday to remember by giving the best gift of all, Love and Support to mankind.© : ™
There is a VERY special Live event in Florida to help an Unfortunate family out. Make this a Christmas to remember by helping someone in need!


Dec 20 at 6:00pm to Dec 21 at 12:00pm

Big Shouts to Preserving the Pitch’s and The-lost-art’s  Very own who has went out of their way to ensure the best Christmas for this family in need.!

*This will be a LIVE BROADCAST from Tapps bar to*

Who started the Fund Raiser: Laurie Massa–

Operations manager for the Fund raiser: Joel Element Z White –

Show Fund Raiser: Ronnie Beatty III–

Show help: Rob Hagen

Big shouts to EVERYONE involved in making this a special Christmas for this family that has not been mentioned.

Fund Raiser for Scarlett & Lyla to have a Nice Christmas!

                                       Tapps Pub

4711 NE Babcock St, Unit 30, Palm Bay, Florida 32905

Preserving the pitch Fund raiser for Scarlett & Lyla We can tell you the serious issues with the family started last year when Lyla got sick and had to have heart surgery. She was in wolfsons childrens hospital approximately months and still has a leaking mitral heart valve. She takes daily blood pressure medication as Cardiologist dont think she is strong enough for more surgery at this time. There is big cost in medical happening with this issue. The next issue occurred early October of this year { 2014 }. Daniel was a victim of a violent random crime. The attack against him left him permanently disabled with brain damage is currently undergoing therapy for this issue. The-Lost-art Helps with a fund RasierAlthough he is out of the hospital he is unable to return to work due the permanent brain damage. He was the sole provider for the family leaving Christmas a very scary thing for him unable to provide gifts for his two little girls. Scarlett is four years old and Lyla is 3 years old.. The family had to sell their home in order to get state funded medical coverage to help with bills for both Lyla and Daniel…  They are currently living in a camper on some property that is being rented for the horses. You can sincerely help this Family with a small donation. Anything will help and God Bless those that put a helping hand out.


Scarlett & Lyla Fund Raiser help, www.preservingthepitch.comAs a result to all of this, we are Asking the Music community, friends and family if they are willing to help Scarlett & Lyla have a Christmas they deserve….   DJ was a victim of violent crime causing brain injuries and permanent disabilities. His wife Keri left work to be with him and help . DJ was recently released from the hospital but is unable to work. The family has had to sell their home and is currently living in a camper  from property owned by family. Due to the situation Christmas is not going to be what it should be for these two little girls. I’m asking for donations of toys and clothes for Christmas. If you are able to help with an inexpensive gift for them please contact me I know the family would greatly appreciate it. Scarlett loves little mermaid and horses she wears size 3t clothes and her favorite color is purple. Lyla loves tinker bell and likes princess stuff she weaes size 2t and her favorite color is pink. The girls enjoys puzzles dress up books and coloring. Even if you can’t afford a gift and shipping a card and 5 $ I can make stretch a long way Any help is so appreciated thank you.


Thank you so much again, for anyone and everyone that has supported this cause. What a great thing to do during this Holiday season. This one really means a lot to and,, best video station, turntables copy

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