www.the-lost-art.com Bruise Your Body Breaks 7th year

Avatar tagteamdesign | January 2, 2014 78 Views 0 Likes 0 Ratings

Bruise Your Body breaks makes it 7 years on Internet radio!

Catch the BYBB show every Thursday Night starting at 10 P.M Eastern on https://www.the-lost-art.com/live

Written by DJ Natural Nate

Bruise Your Body Breaks, BYBB, Real DJ's, the-lost-art.com

Bruise Your Body Breaks has been around since 1998. The name Bruise Your Body Breaks came about when Natural Nate was spinning at a party. After his set, a guy came up to him and showed him a bruise that was on the left side of his back.

He stated that “the bass was hitting so hard that it bruised his body”. So as stated, “If the dancing does not bruise your body the music will!” In 2010… BYBB Started new chapter with THE-LOST-ART.COM. Stronger… Faster.. Smarter.. and from Mars!

Bruise Your Body Breaks, BYBB, Top DJ's, the-lost-art.com

We are proud to say that January is Bruise Your Body Breaks 7th year of being one of the Longest running Electro / Breaks shows in the world! It has utterly been amazing on how far we have got with all of the support from our friends and family! Our show has always been dedicated to the producers and listeners of all levels. Its been a show that has given people a voice and a place to be heard where other would have never given a chance. We have watched so many producers and artists grow, just by giving them encouragement to keep their dreams alive and mostly, just being a true friend.

Bruise Your Body Breaks, BYBB, Best DJ's, the-lost-art.comWe have never cared about trends nor who’s the most popular. We have never cared about others wars in music more so then putting these wars together to make incredible mixes and new bridges to the industry through two turntables and a mixer. We have taken this show in the dedication to the real breakers and dancers of the scene. That has been our only goal as being a DJ.  “Represent the true dancers and fans of real underground music and nothing else matters!” Bruise Your Body breaks came in with nothing and we expect nothing in return. I thinks that has been our true success. We give and mix because we truly want to and have always cared about the hard working artists that deserve a chance to be heard and respected.

Bruise Your Body breaks ONLY looks for the pure artists that we use. It has been an honor to get to know so many people through their music. I think our shows success has also been in the fact that we do not use producers above the system or think they are better then everyone else. Its also been sad to honor and get to know producers on a personal level that have no true respect, but at the same time, getting to know some of these people has been a real reason why we have stayed so long in this industry. There are to many producers and company’s that have ruined this incredible craft we call breaks. If I could take something back, it would be staying a fan forever and not knowing some of these people. Bruise Your Body Breaks, BYBB, Talented DJ's, the-lost-art.comWe only have asked for respect on our journey and thats what most of the scene lacks, is just respect. Whats been heart breaking for us is to see so much talent ruin themselves for a Dollar or a listen to their music. Its tough to watch artists that have struggled and got a hand out to become what they are today and to have zero respect for the places that gave them a chance. Greeds and wants are what holds this industry back and I don’t think that will ever change. We have been here for 7 years trying and I hope that Im wrong. Im still waiting for this industry to prove me wrong. This might be another 7 years in the making or an endless journey to strive for the best from everyone.


TrayPeel, Natural Nate, Bruise Your Body Breaks, BYBB, the-lost-art.comI will have to thank my partners Tracy Vandyke and Mike Devious for always being there. These are some of the most incredible men I have ever met, and have been a true inspiration to always give my best not only in mixing, but in life itself. Bruise Your Body Breaks, BYBB, Jiggabot, the-lost-art.comThe biggest shout goes to the Lovely Jiggabot. She has been the ultimate reason for our success and rooting us on. We would never be here without her! I have been blessed to have so many things in my life, mean enough to keep doing what I do. I never wanted to be a DJ nor a producer. I was a dancer that just wanted to hear good music. Thats it, plain and simple. To be where I am with music is unbelievable. I never in a million years would have thought 2 turntables and a mixer would change my life, enough to try and change others.Bruise Your Body Breaks, BYBB, Mike Devious, the-lost-art.com

I own this industry a lot even if the industry does not want to take it. I will always give my respects and my dues to the true and the honest trying to make this impossible industry be a better place for humanity and not popularity. Music is a language of hope and healing. It should never be used for anything less.

Thank you so much to everyone that has supported this humble company we call bruise Your Body breaks! Anyone with any ideas or just want their music heard, please email thelostart.com@gmail.com – Attention { Breaks } We have always been here for the underdogs and https://www.the-lost-art.com has always been opened to the public to give you a voice. Thank you again for your time and for reading this 7 year update. We are looking forward to many more years with you and the best breaks on the planet!

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8 Hour Bruise Your Body Breaks special with Devine Disorder Records. Natural Nate and Mike Devious. by Djnaturalnatebybb/The-Lost-Art on Mixcloud

 www.the-lost-art.com, the best of the best

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