Avatar Dave Viral | October 3, 2012 116 Views 0 Likes 0 Ratings

breakniks blog title

It seems whenever t.v or radio

shows seem to recall music from

the early – mid 80’s, they

always define either mainstream

music that was in the charts or they

end up drifting over any of the

jams that shaped us? So we’re setting

the record straight and letting the lost

art know exactly what we were into.


So sit kick off your all-stars, sit back and relax as we present… An E.L.E.C.T.R.O MIX FROM THE BREAKNIKS:

   ”It is indeed a pleasure to host another artist here on my podcast..I cannot recall when we first made contact, but it has indeed been an enjoyable association..on hearing this mix for the first time i knew i wanted others to enjoy it also..let me introduce you to the Breakniks…” 

These early electro records formed the basis of what me [doc] and stet are about today… 
If it’s the 1st time you’ve heard these original cuts [we hope they’ll blow your doors off] or, if they are bringing back memories of yesteryear, [we hope they’ll also blow your doors off]

The breakniks 
Formed way back in 2004 and hailing from the Southeast of England, We the Breakniks aim to keep our sound based in the underground dance. With every atom of our existence we strive to make our tracks as big as possible… oh, and having a laugh on the way.

We try not to box ourselves in, cutting tracks in D&B, I.D.M, ELECTRO, BREAKBEAT, HARDCORE RAVE, AMBIENT and THE BREAKS to create various styles Spacey electronic music smiley. + Feeding from the likes of Pink Floyd – n.w.a – 60s/70s film scores – kraftwerk. [2 numerous to list them all]

The new project ‘FEDERATION: BREAKNIK’ is no exception… and will be out very soon on ‘jam on productions’. 
It will include [amongst totally new tracks ‘DESIGNED II FAIL’, ‘JIMMYS HILL’, ‘STANDING ON THE SHOULDERS OF GIANTS’ + MORE] our ‘PYCHOSIS’ remix of ‘JAM ON IT, BY NEWCLEUS’ [the original 1984 mix can be heard in this very electro mix] + a never before released remix of ‘AUTOMAN BY NEWCLEUS’

And, as a ‘thank you’ to everyone who’s supported us and who’ve dug our tunes over the years, we’ll be putting pictures of the entire BREAKNK COLLECTIVE [everyone who wants to that is lol] on the album cover. 
So please feel free to send any nutty pictures you might have of yourselves to

Also massive respect/love and thanks to Cait for playing our electro mix on her show.


THE BREAKNIKS [doc & stet]

Also check out our free downloads @;;

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