Maschinen Musik 27 – Eclipse E.P.

Avatar | October 11, 2012 39 Views 0 Likes 0 Ratings

RELAES DATE: September 21st, 2012

Maschinen Musik 27 – Eclipse E.P.


1.-Chrome & Schmidt: Eclispe

2.-Chrome & Schmidt: Eclispe – T.R.O. remix

3.-Schmidt & Chrome: E.B.M.

4.-Schmidt & Chrome: E.B.M. –Blackmass Plastics remix

Written and produced by Andreas Schmehl and Nino Farra© #1 remixed by Oliver Leuxner #2 remixed by Blackmass Plastics

Mastering: Andreas Kauffelt @ Schnittstelle / Frankfurt Cover art: Andreas Schmehl

Like every year, the Maschinen Musik artists took a creative summer break just to return to their studios with fresh energy and new ideas. And the wait was really worth it: Maschinen Musik 27 brings you the first collaboration of label the veterans Dr.Schmidt and Solar Chrome, who together with selected remixers deliver an outstanding package of electro, breaks, and bass music – The Eclipse E.P.

The E.P. kicks off with the name giving track – Eclipse – in which Chrome & Schmidt explore their love for classic, techno-inspired electro in the style of Anthony Rother and Boris Divider. Driving beats, soothing pads, and metallic stabs deliver the whole package of cold, clean and technology inspired dance music, that we all love.

The remix duties for Eclipse were given to another Maschinen Musik veteran, T.R.O., who gives the track his trademark breakbeat work-over while preserving the feel and atmosphere of the original. Funky beats, syncopated percussion, and an excellent bass work put Eclipse into a new perspective that adds much more to E.P. than just a standard remix could ever do.

Track three – E.B.M. – again a collaboration of Schmidt & Chrome, ventures deeper into technobreaks territorry. Dark atmospheres and driving bass groves are backed up with bitter sweet pads and uplifting synths, and give the track the drive and punch we know from Maschinen Musik best moments. Not to be missed!

Finally Maschinen Musik welcomes bass music master Blackmass Plastics, who gives E.B.M. his very own blend in a remix that perfectly wraps up the Maschinen Musik 27 package. Smooth pads and groovy beats are contrasted with mean morphing basslines and distorted vocals, that make this remix an exceptional ride. A trademark Blackmass Plastics track that fits into the Maschinen Musim universe just so well.

Release notes: Maschinen Musik 27 is a digital release and will not be available on vinyl or CD. The record is distributed worldwide through Believe Digital ( and will be available for download on most major download platforms. The record will be released exclusively on Jundodownload on September 21st, 2012, and will be available on Musicload,, iTunes, and many, many more, September 28th, 2012.

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