Bring a DMC DJ Battle to YOUR city!

Avatar tagteamdesign | November 28, 2012 58 Views 0 Likes 0 Ratings


Bring a DMC DJ battle to your Hometown! Don’t let this great experience pass you by! DJ, or Fan! This is one experience to witness. This is a part of DJ history. There is no room for the fake in DMC.. Only True & Natural talent.

Many DJ’s do not speak of DMC because they are not a “Scratch DJ” or they dont “Juggle” blah blah blah.. Well Its not always about YOU. How about just being part of something that is bigger than just you.. How about helping a Company that has brought to you nothing but Jaw Dropping, and Historical DJ’s and Shows for all these years. How can you help? Well easy.. BRING A DMC BATTLE TO YOUR HOME TOWN!

Well How do I bring a battle to my hometown you ask?

EASY! Just by Clicking this link below! Read up and Follow these instructions.. 

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *–Bring-a-2013-DMC-Regional-DJ-Battle-to-your-City–.html?soid=1100885080641&aid=dYt1j6rUNy0

So there you have it! Go to your local promoters, Clubs, and spots that you feel is ready for a experience of a LIFE TIME! To those who do take the time to push this, and really get a TRUE DJ battle in there town.. We thank you. & Kidd Love Approve this message. 



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