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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce euismod dictum odio, nec lacinia lectus fermentum non. Nam ut arcu id nisl eleifend elementum. Donec posuere sagittis sapien, non faucibus justo egestas in. Nulla consequat in libero et molestie. Aenean vitae finibus tellus. Nullam elit erat, lobortis nec nibh eu, commodo consequat nisi. Vestibulum mattis viverra felis, quis vulputate est feugiat in. Etiam eu faucibus urna, vitae elementum ante. Phasellus vel metus eu augue porta pellentesque.

Sed in magna enim. Vestibulum cursus arcu vitae ultricies porta. Duis ac neque nisi. Donec rutrum est vel arcu pharetra, vitae ultricies est commodo. Ut neque tellus, malesuada et erat at, eleifend fringilla nunc. Suspendisse potenti. Nunc id sapien quam. Donec lacinia tincidunt ligula nec rutrum. Sed non nisl sit amet ex vestibulum finibus ut quis urna. Duis volutpat neque sed orci placerat, eget venenatis ex facilisis. Nulla viverra augue nibh, at mollis neque bibendum at. Maecenas vel purus nibh. Donec imperdiet, sapien at rutrum varius, velit velit suscipit nisi, ac vestibulum ex velit vel felis. Praesent accumsan mattis mi eget eleifend. Nulla eros nisi, tempus nec gravida sodales, facilisis quis ipsum. Vestibulum ultricies ornare justo, non scelerisque ex semper nec.

Nunc consequat sapien volutpat elementum sagittis. Nulla et odio porttitor, posuere mauris ac, finibus tortor. Etiam rutrum, ipsum nec feugiat lacinia, felis risus efficitur augue, vitae ornare leo elit et tellus. Ut id tortor vel est venenatis ullamcorper. In quis ultrices enim, eu imperdiet urna. Maecenas efficitur euismod quam condimentum consectetur. Duis tempus tempus tellus, nec pulvinar nibh tempus id. Vivamus efficitur mattis aliquam. Fusce feugiat odio eros. Donec luctus magna vehicula consequat placerat. Duis lectus purus, ultrices sit amet metus ut, consequat fringilla ipsum. Sed facilisis velit lectus, nec varius dolor ornare eget. Nunc non elit eu erat fringilla egestas non eget quam. Vestibulum quis fermentum orci. Mauris augue lacus, malesuada eu ante vitae, finibus varius dolor.

Proin varius iaculis leo, et ultricies eros tristique blandit. Donec vehicula, tortor vitae cursus vehicula, ex tortor auctor lacus, sit amet venenatis mauris tortor et velit. Cras quis massa eget metus semper varius sit amet hendrerit orci. Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse sed lacinia magna, ac rhoncus purus. Ut fermentum scelerisque dolor. Maecenas tempus feugiat consectetur. Sed gravida risus at ultricies pretium.

Aenean nisi ligula, tempor vitae magna vel, euismod sagittis ante. Cras aliquam viverra nulla ornare efficitur. Duis pellentesque quam arcu, ac mattis sapien porttitor quis. Nullam finibus libero at blandit mollis. Sed non auctor eros, nec maximus ante. Praesent a ante molestie, vehicula nisi eu, sagittis turpis. Nulla facilisi.

  • Copyright 2020 The Lost Art
    This site is dedicated to our fallen soldier Demetrius Dialect Austin - Visit Site


We have been asked several times... 'Where can we pre-order your new record?' ( Click here to pre-order ) We could not be more than excited! We have been talking about pressing more records and we finally have a reliable source for pre-sales and the record purchase. Juno has accepted us for this release and also future record releases. This is absolutely amazing! I cannot thank James Boggs with Hoodwink Records / Carocell music enough, for his extremely hard work to make all of this a dream come true. We are truly honored to work with some of the best mastering professionals, record pressing company, publishing companies, and individuals, in the world. We really took our time to find the right companies to do these projects and really hope to keep pressing more in the near future. We are very humbled to seriously have this once in a lifetime opportunity.

Pre-Order Link:

Click here

“Notes To Jiggabot” has been a compilation of songs that were dedicated to the Lovely Jiggabot by DJ Natural NateⓇ. These are love letters (Songs) to saying how much he loves Jiggabot and to say the words that are sometime hard to say out loud. All of the songs on this album have had many supporters and sponsors. We have to give a very special shoutout to, Frajile Recordings, 77Deuce, Electro Echelon, ONE7AUDIO, Hoodwink Records and Carocell music for believing in this music with top charting results. We would not be here without all of you. Special Thanks goes to all the party goers and old school heads that have throughout the years, brought us all support and inspiration! A huge shout out to all radio stations worldwide who have helped with promotional play. Let the labels' hearts and souls know without a shadow of doubt, that the efforts have not been in vain. A massive thanks to the home team and the most amazing people who have been pushing The-Lost-Art since day one! We love you and dedicate this project to each and every one of you who hold this close. Last but not least, this is dedicated to all our friends, families and DJs worldwide who continue to live through vinyl. You know who you are. Blessings! James B Boggs

If one believes or not in fairy tales, I say to them... Don't think too long. Each and everyday Love can be captured. If not for a moment Love can be held for a lifetime. "The notes to Jiggabot" are the prime example of how our myths & legends stand that inevitable test of time. The world deserves to know that "Fairy Tale" love stories are real. Within the grooves of this EP one can hear & feel that every bit of such a notion is True. James B Boggs

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